1..7 # ::camelize() not ok 1 - ::camelize() upper-case the first letter # Failed test (./sfInflectorTest.php at line 19) # got: 'strtoupper(\'s\')ymfony' # expected: 'Symfony' not ok 2 - ::camelize() upper-case each letter after a _ and remove _ # Failed test (./sfInflectorTest.php at line 20) # got: 'strtoupper(\'s\')ymfonystrtoupper(\'i\')sstrtoupper(\'g\')reat' # expected: 'SymfonyIsGreat' # ::underscore() ok 3 - ::underscore() lower-case the first letter ok 4 - ::underscore() lower-case each upper-case letter and add a _ before ok 5 - ::underscore() lower-case all other letters # ::humanize() ok 6 - ::humanize() upper-case the first letter ok 7 - ::humanize() replaces _ by a space # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 7.