1..40 # ->render() not ok 1 - ->render() renders a select tag for the year # Failed test (./sfWidgetFormDateTest.php at line 33) # got: NULL # expected: 2005 ok 2 - ->render() renders a select tag for the month ok 3 - ->render() renders a select tag for the day ok 4 - ->render() renders a select tag for the year ok 5 - ->render() renders a select tag for the month ok 6 - ->render() renders a select tag for the day ok 7 - ->render() renders a select tag for the year ok 8 - ->render() renders a select tag for the month ok 9 - ->render() renders a select tag for the day # pre-epoch date ok 10 - ->render() renders a select tag for the year ok 11 - ->render() renders a select tag for the month ok 12 - ->render() renders a select tag for the day # date as an array not ok 13 - ->render() renders a select tag for the year # Failed test (./sfWidgetFormDateTest.php at line 54) # got: NULL # expected: 2005 ok 14 - ->render() renders a select tag for the month ok 15 - ->render() renders a select tag for the day # invalid date ok 16 - ->render() renders a select tag for the year ok 17 - ->render() renders a select tag for the month ok 18 - ->render() renders a select tag for the day ok 19 - ->render() renders a select tag for the year ok 20 - ->render() renders a select tag for the month ok 21 - ->render() renders a select tag for the day # number of options in each select ok 22 - ->render() renders a select tag for the 10 years around the current one ok 23 - ->render() renders a select tag for the 12 months in a year ok 24 - ->render() renders a select tag for the 31 days in a month # can_be_empty option ok 25 - ->render() renders a select tag for the 10 years around the current one ok 26 - ->render() renders a select tag for the 12 months in a year ok 27 - ->render() renders a select tag for the 31 days in a month # empty_values option ok 28 - ->configure() can change the empty values ok 29 - ->configure() can change the empty values ok 30 - ->configure() can change the empty values # format option ok 31 - ->render() renders 3 selects with a default / as a separator ok 32 - ->render() renders 3 selects with a default / as a separator ok 33 - __construct() can change the default date format ok 34 - __construct() can change the default date format ok 35 - __construct() can change the default date format # days / months / years options ok 36 - __construct() can change the default array used for years ok 37 - __construct() can change the default array used for months ok 38 - __construct() can change the default array used for days # attributes ok 39 - ->render() takes the attributes into account for all the three embedded widgets ok 40 - ->render() takes the attributes into account for all the three embedded widgets # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 40.